Friday, September 4, 2009

Hillsong United - Point Of Difference

What is up everyone. Raymond here with another drum cover from Hillsong United's All Of The Above album. The song begins with a very long intro so cut short the intro so you guys dont have to wait for the whole 30 seconds before the drumming.

The song is pretty straight forward, not very hard, but it is very nice to play. I switch different camera angles just for experiment, so hope you all enjoy it. God bless.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cool your bass drum sounds kinda buzzy? anyways cool and awesome god bless

Welcome to Rhythm Praise!

rhythm |ˈriðəm|

1 the rhythm of the music beat, cadence, tempo, time, pulse, throb, swing.
2 poetic features such as rhythm meter, measure, stress, accent, cadence.
3 the rhythm of daily life pattern, flow, tempo.

"praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals." - Psalm 150:5