Thursday, April 10, 2008

Planetshakers - Salvation +intro

Hey guys, Ray here...sorry that I haven't posted anything in over a few weeks cpu crashed & I was jam packed full of studies... Now that I've gotten my comp back & a li'l break here and there...I'll do my best to update you guys all as soon as possible.

This is a song from their(Planetshakers) latest album called Free...a very straight forward song that is easy to catch & awesome to praise God with...hope you guys enjoy it & God bless...

1 comment:

:(JOdoug:) said...

please tell me where you can get the the song without the drums
please thanks
God bless

Welcome to Rhythm Praise!

rhythm |ˈriðəm|

1 the rhythm of the music beat, cadence, tempo, time, pulse, throb, swing.
2 poetic features such as rhythm meter, measure, stress, accent, cadence.
3 the rhythm of daily life pattern, flow, tempo.

"praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals." - Psalm 150:5