Friday, October 30, 2009

PlanetShakers - All That Matters

Hey everybody, Ray here with another cover. This is PanetShakers' All That Mattes from the All For Love album. There are certain parts in the cover that I think I went overboard enjoying the song (headbanging) but overall I think it is an ok cover. I didn't completely copy the fills, some of them were just improvised on the spot.

To play this song, you really need to listen to it a couple of times first because the song is really long and has many different parts. There were many parts in which I forgot to play before I recorded it, so just to make sure, listen to it until you got it memorized in your head. That is my advice if anyone plans on playing this song in Church or anywhere for the matter.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy this video. God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

timing seems very off

Welcome to Rhythm Praise!

rhythm |ˈriðəm|

1 the rhythm of the music beat, cadence, tempo, time, pulse, throb, swing.
2 poetic features such as rhythm meter, measure, stress, accent, cadence.
3 the rhythm of daily life pattern, flow, tempo.

"praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals." - Psalm 150:5