Wednesday, December 24, 1980


The Best Christmas Gift (1st Devotion) 12/24/07

A Gift From God 01/1/08

Overcoming Evil With Good

How To Fight Temptation 01/14/08

Pete's Feats 01/21/08

God is at Work 01/28/08

Heart of An Overcomer 02/4/08

The Absolute Truth 02/13/08

Planned Neglect 02/18/08

What God seeks? 03/10/08

In Control ? 03/17/08

The Water Tank 04/14/08


Anonymous said...

heyy i stumbled onto this page by accident and my eyes were really opened by the "how to fight temptations" one.

thank you so much for whoever started this devotions page

god bless from toronto

Anson Lau, Raymond Goh, Ruben van Leeuwen, Graham said...

God bless you brother/sister... hope u would know that it is by a divine purpose & not accident. God let you stumble to this page. God bless you & we hope this has really made your walk with God be4tter. God bless you & Have a blessed day.

Your brothers in Christ,
RhythmPraise drummers

Welcome to Rhythm Praise!

rhythm |ˈriðəm|

1 the rhythm of the music beat, cadence, tempo, time, pulse, throb, swing.
2 poetic features such as rhythm meter, measure, stress, accent, cadence.
3 the rhythm of daily life pattern, flow, tempo.

"praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals." - Psalm 150:5